<blog from the bog $BlogMetaData$>

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Village life:
The oil crisis.

Supposing wind energy never takes off, and supposing the future isn’t bright enough for solar, supposing hydrogen fuel cells are just a lot of hot air, what does that leave us with; coal? That also will one day run out, tidal? What of all the countries that don’t have coast lines.
So, what’s the solution, nuclear perhaps? No by having a massive amount of that sort of power station built in such a short space of time would mean that the chances of having some sort disaster would be statistically improved to such a degree that it would just be to dangerous to risk it.
So supposing you lived in a village where everything you could ever possibly want was well within walking distance, a cinema, a beauty salon, a bowling alley, a whole host of night-clubs and other such venues where any possible taste in music would be catered for supposing you don’t like the company perhaps there aren’t enough or maybe non at all that share you’re taste in music simply take a personality test and you’ll be given a list of other villages where you would be most likely to be happy. Would this be so bad, it would solve the oil crisis by making the car an almost unused item and would at the same time solve the obesity crisis by the same method.
In any case, all of this is supposition, I don’t believe that the alternative energies will fail, but it is something that we should all think about non the less.
P.S. see if you can work out which of the alternative energy sources I left out.
The true meaning of X-mass

The term x-mass started out simply as a way of saying Christmas without offending non Christians [and therefore losing their custom] by way of making reference to Jesus Christ, but looking at the holiday season as it stands today [and indeed the fictional war that is currently raging through it] I feel that it should take on a new meaning.
X-mass = A way of describing the conglomerate of various different religious ideas and institutions that come together in this winter season more so than they come together at any other time in the year, alternative title X-mess.
Religismass = [pronounced relidge is um mass] The festival dedicated to the coming together of various different religions in the similarity of their practices.
Winterville = As describing the celebration of the season.
Capitalmass = As describing the celebration of money, mass commercialism, and gift giving and taking.
Sinmass = As describing the seasonal practices that go contrary to the practices and beliefs of those who celebrate Religismass i.e. the celebration of greed, sloth, gluttony, avarice, lust and other such sins.
Santa Claus = Patron deity of Capitalmass and Sinmass employee of the coca cola company chief deity of the season as a whole.
Frosty the snowman = Patron deity of Winterville
Jesus = Old style Christian deity patron of Religismass.

sugestions for alternative names or concept are welcomed.

hididly ho

apologies for the brief absence, we all need a break once in a while, but i've got some real nuggets for you're enjoyment and for the first time [for this blog but not my other one www.nouveaupostmablog.blogspot.com] in this blog that my posts have been created before hand as apossed to inputing them straight onto blogspot so perhaps more thought has gone into them i don't however know if this makes them better or not you be the judge.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Here are some links to my other blogs.

Monday, December 19, 2005

the funniest quote i've seen recently is this
"If I say the cat is on the mat but behave asif the cat is not on the mat, or as if there is no cat, I am not a hyporcrite but a lier, a joker, or perhaps I have a very bad memory, or some other cognitive dysfunction"
its taken from a book called "the simpsons and philosophy".

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Mind Body, Spirit.

On the matter of of spirit or rather the spiritual life
1 you have the right to follow what ever path you see fit regardless of how bizzare or offencive others may or may not find it.
2 you have the right to take offence at others spiritual or otherwise practices just as they have a right to take offence at you'res.
3 allthough you can take offence you can not do anything about it, they have the same rights as you.
4 if you do anything to stop them [the people who offend you] from following their beliefs or speaking their mind about you'res then you should be prevented from following or speaking you'res [beliefs and mind respectively]
5 if you break such an order you should be thrown in jail.

On the matter of you're body
1 you have the right to do to you're body as you please, you have the right to modify it, to poison it, to harm it and even to destroy as long as you do not harm anybody elses in the process.
2 nobody has the right to prevent you from doing these things.
3 if anybody attempts either by words or action to prevent you from doing to you're body as you please then whatever they prevented you from doing to you'res they should have done to theirs , if they continue then they should have theirs [their body] removed.

On the matter of mind
1 you do not have a mind you are the mind.
2 you have the right to express you're self any way you choose as long as it does not prevent others from doing the same.
3 no one has the right to stop you from expressing you're self if they do so attemt, then they should have whatever part of the brain that alows them to express themselves removed.

Monday, December 12, 2005

I was lying in bed last night [allthough some would consider it morning] listening in utter anoyance to all the little sounds that houses make the plip plops the gurglings the clicks and clunks and so on and so forth and i realised just how much i crave scilence total utter and complete scilence. It is strange to think that it used to be the other way about, i would as a child sleep over at freinds houses and would often find that i could not get to sleep because there were no trains going past, perhaps this was just a perfectly normal craving for the things that you are used to common to most children in the feelings of home sickness but perhaps not perhaps it is about having a fear of you're own thoughts of being left on you're own with them and nothing to distract you from them and perhaps my anoyance last night is proof that i have got over this weakness [or indeed weaknesses the two theorys i have just put forward are not after all mutually exlusive] but in any case what is beyond doubt i think is that i know for whatever reason crave scilence i either want sounds to exist in the forgraound or not atall.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Drinking advice.

If you think you're going to drink a large ammount of wine especialy if it will be done within a short space of time or indeed on an empty stomach a good way to combat this is to drink one bottle of beer before you start drinking the wine as this will cushion you're system do not however drink more than one bottle as anymore will ruin the flavour of the wine for you also do not drink any beer after the wine oi don't know why this but this will make you ill.
"beer and wine and you'll be fine but wine and beer and oh dear" as told to me by drunken friend.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

If you have no use for something then give it to someone else, if you have a use for it then keep it you're self.
This means that if you have no use for something if you don't want to use it if you can't use or won't use or will not use it then give it way but if you have any intention of ever using it for anything atal then keep it.
This does not mean that their is allways someone worse of than you and that therefore it is greedy to keep anything that you're not using even if there is a good chance that you will use it in the future. If one were to hold fast to this concept then one might as well give away all of you're possesions because "theres allways someone who needs them more than you" the only problem with this is that you would instently become the person who needs them more and the person would instantly have to give them back at which p[oint the process would begin again, after doing this for a ten or eleven or so weeks you would both starve to death because giving to the less fortunate is more important than eating and the world will be hell of a lot better of without you.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

internet constitusion

If the american dream is that you can come from nothing to having everything, then the internet dream is that even if you're stupid you can still have a valid opinion, one is rags to riches the other is dumb to opinionated.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

statement 1: everybody has the right to have four walls between them and the world and a roof between them and the sky.

statement 2: this is a right not a privilage no one can be forcibly charged for it.

statement3: if you choose not to pay for the previously mentioned four walls and a roof then;
1 you can't choose where it is located you go where it is available, 2 you can't prevent others from sharing it with as long as their is enough room, and 3 if any repairs need to be made then you have to take care of them you're self.

statement 4: if you choose to rent then the responsibility for apkeep is on the sholders of the person that you rent from, however you cannot do as you like to the property without said persons permision.

statement 5: if you choose to own you're own property then you are responsible for its upkeep, however this means that you should be able to do as you like to the property, and do not have to share it with any bodyelse

statement6: you may think that these things are obvious but seeing as the ocupiers of a thirty year old squat in london have recently been evicted by the local council they are clearly not obvious enough.