Curb my agreement?
I have for quite some time found myself in agreement with Larry David’s character on Curb Your Enthusiasm.
I have for quite some time found myself in agreement with Larry David’s character on Curb Your Enthusiasm.
I just have some questions,
is this normal?
Is there something wrong with me?
Should I be worried?
I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m often excruciated by his behaviour and find myself at a loss to understand the reasoning behind it [particularly when he makes up horrible lies rather than be honest] having said that, I more often than not have the same reaction to other characters in the show. In any case I think a great number of the things that he does are perfectly reasonable and I get the feeling that most people would act in the same way were it not for the taboos of social convention.
Is this nothing more than a monstrous act of solipsism?
Am I simply trying to justify my agreement with this strange character by suggesting that really ‘you all think the same as me and you’re just to scared to say it’?
Racists use this sort of justification all the time, and I can assure you that I’m no racist. Having said that, this sort of solipsism is actually quite common, one sees it all that time, and its actually quite disturbing when you think of how many people must be using it to justify totally abhorrent behaviour and how many of them would not have allowed themselves to commit such abhorrent acts were it not for that justification.
This has gone rather off topic but then I can’t think of anything else to say on the topic, I do however find that writing this has been rather therapeutic, I find my fears and worries subsiding, besides I’m sure you all think the same thing anyway.